Level 5 Resources needed

Level 5: Emotions

Activity1Activity 2Activity 3
1-Red paint in a wide based, shallow container-Blue paint in a wide based, shallow container-Sponge x2/ or paint brush-2 pre-traced circles (preferably on a harder board or sturdier paper) or 2 paper plates-Googly eyes/ or large circular buttons (to use as eyes)-Glue-Marker -Balloons -+4 -Open space-Clean fly swatter or a rolled up cardboard or newspaper-Washing basket-10 Foam cups/plastic cups-A small ball
2-Mirror-Emotion chart (copy provided)
-Song: If you happy and you know it. (Simply sing it or click on the link provided to play it and sing along)-Thick wax crayon-A4 white paper
3-Paint – red and yellow-Zip lock bag-Strong cello tape-Ribbons/ cotton wool -Coloured pipe cleaners or wool-Buttons-Tissue paper-White or any colour paper plate-glue– Masking tape, -Table top surface-Blocks, small toy cars, blocks, bottle tops.
4-red paint-bubble wrap-paper and -printable heart shapes to cut bubble wrap out (optional)-Play dough,-An A4 page with number symbols 2 and 3 written on it *(Caregiver to prepare beforehand) This can be placed in a plastic sleeve (if one is available)-Rolling pin or paper towel roll inner or a plastic bottle-Cookie cutters or bottle tops-Plastic knife-String-Two chairs -Balloon
5-Play dough-*Pre-drawn face templates on paper(Caregiver to draw: a circular head consisting of hair and ears)-Plastic knife and scissors-Paint -A4 paper -Citrus fruit 
-Pompoms or cotton wool balls-Masking tape-2 Paper plates-2 Cardboard tubes