Level 5: Resources for the week

Level 5: Emotions

Activity 1Activity 2Activity 3
1-2 Paper plates or 2 circular pre traced paper or cardboard shapes -Scissors -Glue -Wool/cotton wool -Crayons-Marker-Googly Eyes (optional) 
-Balloon-Marker -Flour or sand -Empty bottle -Funnel None required
2-Paint -4 toilet rolls -Tape -Scissors -A4 paper 

-Beads/Noodles-10 pieces of paper/cards/-Marker -10 Pipe Cleaners/ or soft (safe) pliable pieces of wire/ or 10 shoe laces/ 10 pieces of string that can easily be threaded.-Old Magazines-Scissors -Glue -A4 paper
3-Paper plate (plain or colour)-Paint (optional)-Sponge/paint brush-Crayons -Googly eyes/ paper cut out to represent eyes -Colour paper -String-Two chairs -BalloonCopy of the story: Little Red Riding hood for your child to either listen to or read along by use of a book/pictures*audio-visual link inserted
4-Paint -Paint brush -A4 Paper-Any crayons or markers 

-Play dough-Buttons -Macaroni -Pre- traced Letter C on A 4 paper-Crayon -Colour Paper-Glue/Glue stick 
5-Paint -A4 paper -Citrus fruit 
-Sand in a bucket-10 Foam Cups -10 Plastic or metal spoons -Marker (non-permanent)-White Vinegar -Baking Soda -Instant Rice -Clear Jar/ Glass-Water -Food coloring