Level 3: Resources needed

Level 3: Books and Toys

Activity1Activity 2Activity 3
1-Empty toilet roll holders-Yellow paint/or any colour available-A4 white craft paper-A big triangle shape drawn on cardboard (make sure that outlines of shape is bold and thick)play dough-Side walk chalk-Paper/cardboard cut-out triangle shape-A flat surface
2-Basket with toys or any other colour objects that are safe to play with (ensure that there are yellow items in the basket too as this is the focus colour.)-Yellow page/blanket/bucket-A straw-Pom pom / or round cotton wool ball -A smooth floor surface
3-Cardboard rolls/empty toilet paper roll-Paint-Large and small ice cream stick-Round stickers -A table-A book and a toyNone required
4-Baking cooling rack, basket, wire rack (Basically anything with holes) Various lengths of old materials or ribbon-Paint yellow-One small google eye/ black marker-Little hands-White A4 craft paper-Copy of the story: The ugly duckling (for your child to either listen to or read along by use of a book/picture)* Audio-visual link has been included

5-Two or more different beans-Measuring spoons-Small containers/cups-Muffin tin -Hula hoop x2 (but one would work just fine)-Template of 5 ducks (provided)/or 5 rubber ducks-Marker-5 clothing pegs