Level 2: Resources needed for the week

Level 2: My classroom

DayResources Required
Activity1Activity 2Activity 3
1-Paint mixture (Red to reinforce colour recognition)-Strips of Bubble wrap (one can normally ask your local supermarkets for some as fruit and other fragile items come wrapped up and transported in this way to stores)-A4 craft white paper-Tape to secure bubble wrap onto paper-some water in a shallow bowl-*Caregiver to draw a caterpillar made up of 5 smaller circles and 1 big circle for the face. Be sure to draw large circles (example: peanut butter lid size, for the caterpillar’s body and a slightly larger one for the head) –prepared beforehand-*Clearly written large numbers in the circles as shown (from 1-5) – prepared beforehand-Container with water-Small, watersafe, household items that have different weights for different results (example: spoon, peg, leaves from the garden, a tea bag etc. -Pieces of green grass (as extra floating objects floating in the water)
2-Sponge (small enough to fit comfortably in your child’s hand)-Paint (red, green and brown), each in its own shallow container-White construction paper with a circle and trunk drawn on to it *(Parent to prepare  beforehand) -1 bottle cap-An apron or oversized T shirt to protect your child’s clothing. -Newspaper to protect the work surface and floor-A box/container-Any red household items or toys
-Hula hoop/pool noodle that has been joined at the ends to form circle shape-Big ball
3-Play dough -Small safe toys/objects (buttons/coins/beads) *Supervision of play is important-Sand-Water-Sand toys or old kitchen tools you no longer use (pots, metal cups or plastic, spoons, jugs)-Masking tape-A flat open space
4-Empty toilet rolls holder x3-Old shoe lace or wool-Red paint-White construction paper-crayons-A peg-Pipe cleaner -glue-Any available storybook or bright colourful picture that will spark your child’s interest. *We have included an example of the story: The three little pig (it makes good use of rhythym and repetition)
5-Flour -Water-Red food colouring-A balloon-One sheet of newspaperNone required-3 red objects   (Bottle caps or Lego blocks)