Level 2: Resources needed

Level 2: My classroom

DayResources needed for the week
Activity1Activity 2Activity 3
1– An empty kitchen towel roll-Some yellow paint in a shallow dish-Empty kitchen towel roll-*Caregiver to prepare the following ahead of time:-Sponge or paint brush-Pre-drawn shapes on colour paper as follows:-White or brown paper: a large circle; Black paper: a small circle; Pink paper: a circle *(Parent to use the kitchen towel roll holder end to measure).-Glue-A bowl-½ cup of milk-Yellow food colouring-A drop of dish soap-Q-tips (cotton buds)-Patterns drawn on paper /board–as shown *Caregiver to prepare pattern beforehand. -Large Beads or buttons/stones/bottle tops
2-Empty toilet roll holder-Green paper for leaves-Red paint-2 bowls -1 container -20 bottle tops or anything to use as counters-Small plastic balls/rolled up pairs of socks-washing basket
3-4 ice cream sticks-Glue-Pieces of cardboard to fit behind ice cream sticks-A photo-Any decorations (glitter, buttons, beads)-Copy of the story: Three little pigs(for child to listen to or read along with from a book/picture)-A4 white construction paper-Crayons/any other writing mediums
4-Paper plate-Construction paper (2 colours, preferably) -2 x googly eyes/or pre-cut out paper/black marker to draw in eyes  circles-Glue-scissors-A tennis ball -A bat or rolled up length of newspaper wrapped with masking tape– None required
5-Letter A written on a sheet of newspaper-paintClassroom related objects discussed throughout the week: examples- a book, blocks, toys, crayons, a puzzle etc. (at least 5 or more times)