Activity 1
Colour hunt
Duration 5-10 minutes
What you need
- Any safe to play with Green objects
What to do:
- Caregiver is to place an assortment of green objects around the house. Explain to your child that to look for and find green objects all around the house
- Go along with them on the hunt to assist with finding the green objects
- Remember to talk to your child about what is found and praise them when correctly spotting a green item.
Activity 2
Stamping shapes with toilet roll tubes
Activity duration: 10 – 15 minutes
What do you need?
- Empty toilet roll tubes
- Pre-cut out shapes (a circle and a square) on sturdy board
- Green paint (preferably) but any other primary colour will do.
What you need to do:
- *Caregiver is to prepare paint and pre-cut out shapes beforehand.
- Have your child dip the toilet roll tube into the paint and begin painting the shapes by stamping all over it.
- Talk about the shapes and colours again while your child engages in the creative fun.
- Ask him/her what other objects around are also circle and square shaped to create an awareness of form constancy.
Activity 3
Play dough activity
Duration: 7 – 10 minutes
What do you need?
What to do:
- Caregiver is to hand small balls of play dough to your child and demonstrate how to smash with a potato masher
- Allow your child to use his/her hands as well to pull the play dough apart and put it back together again.
- Talk about the patterns it makes as well as how the masher is pushing the play dough flat. Pretend that he/she is making some food.
- Allow for free creative and fantasy play to emerge from this simple activity.
*Fact: Many children spend too much time playing with electronic gadgets and keyboards, thus missing out on everyday hand strengthening opportunities.