Caregiver is to mix flour, water and a drop of red food colouring to make a paste. Learner can assist by stirring mixture at the end, to be part of the process. A lovely opportunity to discuss the concept of mixing again.
Caregiver is to blow the balloon up to to a small size for your child to hold it comfortably in the palm of his/her hands.
Spread newspaper on table table surface/working area.
Place the balloon and paste in the newspaper and instruct your child to dip the balloon into the paint and begin printing/painting on paper by pressing balloon down. Speak about the colour red and fun ballo n painting theycare doing.
Have some good messy fun with your child.
Activity 2
Duration: 5-10 minutes
Sing (Mary had a Little Lamb)
Use the following video to access the song /or simply sing this familiar tune to your child
What to do:
Make sure to sing along and dance with your child, this song as an awesome rhythm.
Expand on your child’s vocabulary and language by considering the words in the song and teaching them to your child: example: lamb-baby sheep; fleece –wool; following- going after; against the rules- not allowed; etc.
Do the above after your child knows the song and has sung it many times.
Activity 3
Mathematics: Counting and finding colour objects
Duration: 10-15 minutes
What do you need?
3 red objects – Bottle caps o r Lego blocks
What to do:
Have your child physically count the objects by touching them 1,2,3, *(Parent to assist)
Next have them go and search for 3 red objects in the house *(Parent would have ensure that these items would be readily spotted, by pre-arranging this. )
Ask your child to count the objects found out loud.
Now count with your child by physically have them touchimg each object as they count from 1-3
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