Course 5

Activity 1

Creative Art Activity: Footprint flower 

Duration : 7 – 10 minutes

What do I need?

  • Paint (green and any other colour)
  • A4 paper 
  • Sponge/Paint brush
  • A bath with clean water and a towel

What to do:

  1. *Caregiver is to firstly explain to child that he/she will be creating a footprint flower, using their own foot or both feet.
  2. Caregiver could either paint your child’s foot or have the child paint it themselves (assisting of course)
  3. Your child can then proceed to print his/her footprint onto the paper
  4. After washing and drying the foot, they could choose to do the other foot too.
  5. Your child will then paint the stem for the foot flower (Parents to assist only if necessary)
  6. Your child can continue to decorate the flowers in any way he/she desires to.
  7. Encourage your child to either write or copy his/her name on the artwork afterwards using a crayon. 

Activity 2

Mathematic: Building the basic shapes and more

Duration: 15-20 minutes                                                             

What do I need?

  • Pre-traced basic shapes on cards (Basic shapes- rectangle, triangle, square, diamond, pentagon, hexagon etc.) *Caregiver to prepare beforehand
  • A few ice- cream sticks or match sticks or tooth picks 

What must I do?

  1. Hand the pre-traced shape cards/pictures to your child
  2. Caregiver to discuss the shapes with the child and have him/her name it on their own at first. Assist if necessary.
  3. Describe the basic properties like the number of sides and corners as well as what the shape resembles while engaging with your child.
  4. Have your child build the shapes on the card using the available sticks provided.

*Hint: Children use their hands to learn and they remember best when they can engage their bodies in any activity.

Activity 3

Pepper and Soap Experiment 

Duration: 15-20 minutes

What do I need?

  • Pepper 
  • Plate/bowl
  • Water (optional to color it blue)
  • Dish washing liquid soap 

What must I do? (Parents to assist)

  1. Have your child pour some water into a plate or bowl, (ensuring that it covers a fairly large part of the plate 
  2. Color the water by adding a drop of blue food coloring 
  3. Next, have your child sprinkle some pepper onto the surface of the water 
  4. Let your child then dip his/her finger into some dish washing soap and then places it into the center of the plate into the water 
  5. Watch how the pepper quickly scatters to the edges of the water on the plate. 

This is a lovely way to demonstrate how soap gets rid of dirt and germs and why it is so important to wash our hands using soap and water.

*Using experiments can be a great way to explain difficult facts to children in fun, visual and concrete ways.