Course 4

Activity 1

Tooth brush shape painting

Duration: 5 – 10 minutes

What do you need?

  • A pre-drawn large triangle shape (make sure outlines are dark and bold)
  • An old tooth brush
  • Paint 

What to do:

  1. *Caregiver to demonstrate to child how to paint over the triangle shape using the tooth brush dipped in paint.
  2. Now allow your child to paint freely.
  3. Talk about the 3 sides of the triangle and that 1 point is higher than the others.

Activity 2


Duration: 10 minutes

Sing:  Stop and block those germs 

Stop and Block those Germs

 (Please click on the audio link above to access the song)

What to do: 

  1. Have your child listen while you introduce the song and sing to them
  2. Then encourage him/her to sing along as you sing along too. (Remember to use different tones and expressions while you sing)
  3. Encourage your child to carry out the actions while singing 

*Did you know?

Music helps students to memorize learning material. When accompanied by music, new information becomes easier to remember. 

Activity 3

Physical activity- Bear walking

Duration: 5 – 10 minutes

What you need?

  • An open space

What to do?

  1. Tell your child that he is going to learn to walk like a big bear.
  2. Then demonstrate it to your child by placing your hands and feet on the floor. Your hips and bottom should be in the air, higher than your head.
  3. On all fours steps forward using your arms and legs (*Exercise caution if you have any underlying back concerns)
  4. Have your child copy this action and walk all around the area.
  5. Repeat 

Use the following link for a fun song to accompany this exercise: