Course 4

Activity 1

Creative Activity: Constructing toilet roll germ character

Duration: 20-30 minutes 

What do I need?

  • An empty toilet roll tube
  • A thin rectangular strip of cardboard or Pipe cleaners (optional)
  • Googly eyes (optional)
  • Glue 
  • Markers 
  • Punch 
  • Paint

What to do:

  1. Show your child a picture of the type of toilet roll tube germ he/she will be constructing.
  2. Allow your child to paint the toilet roll tube any colour of his/her choice and allow it to dry in a sunny area 
  3. Have your child punch holes anywhere on the toilet roll (*Parents to assist) and next have him/her push the cardboard or pipe cleaner through the holes for arms.
  4. Next, your child can draw eyes onto the germ (tube) or simply glue the googly eyes on.
  5. Finally draw a mouth for the toilet roll germ. Allow your child to be creative and add any other details to the face. 

Activity 2

Language Activity: Alphabet writing 

What do I need? 

  • Magazines 
  • Scissors 
  • 3 A4 sheets of paper 
  • Glue stick
  • Crayons 

What to do:

  1. Show your child the first 3 letters of the alphabet and name them according to the phonic sound i.e. a- as in apple; b-as in bear; c-as in cat.
  2. Now have your child write each letter down onto an A4 page. (each letter on its own page) * Letter formation guide: a- starting at the top, go down and around, tickling Annie apple’s tummy, go up, small stick up and go down; b – Starting at the top, we slide down and bounce half way up around Bouncy Ben’s tum; c- A little hop and round the garden.
  3. Next, ask your child to find at least two pictures (preferably more) from the magazines that begin with the sounds of the alphabet letters. (Be sure to work on 1 letter at a time) 
  4. Have him/her cut it out and paste it onto the correct page.
  5. Have your child ‘read’ the picture names to you afterwards to check that the first letter of the picture name matches the letter sound.

Activity 3

Mathematics – Addition 

Duration: 15-20 minutes 

What do I need?

  • Crayons 
  • Bottle caps or buttons 
  • A4 white paper 

What must I do?

  1. Have your child copy the template sums as shown (one at a time) onto a page.
  2. *Parent/Caregiver is to explain to the child that a sign means adding or putting together 
  3. Have your child solve the problems by packing out the bottle caps or buttons and then adding them together. Make sure that your child touch counts the objects as they add together.
  4. Finally have him/her write the answer down. *Parent to assist where necessary. 

*Math Manipulatives such as physical counters are useful tools to help children solve problems.