Course 4

Activity 1

Bubble wrap heart painting

Duration: 5- 10 minutes

What do we need?

  • red paint
  • bubble wrap
  • paper and 
  • printable heart shapes to cut bubble wrap out (optional)

What to do:

  1. *Caregiver is to cut a few heart shapes out of the bubble wrap. 
  2. *Prepare paint ahead of time and place it in a shallow, wide enough container to fit cut out bubble wrap into.
  3. Have your child place bubble wrap into paint and then print onto the page.
  4. *By preparing an additional colour or a lighter shade of red, your child can use different colours and shades to print hearts
  5. This creates further visual colour and shade awareness, allowing for more language to emerge

*The following are some developmental benefits of bubble wrap painting:

  • Encourages creativity and self-expression
  • Sensory – feeling various textures, squishy, bubbly and hearing the popping noise.
  • Hand and eye coordination
  • Fine motor skills development
  • Self-esteem – sense of achievement and pride
  • Experimenting with shapes and space
  • red and pink paint
  • bubble wrap
  • paper and 
  • printable heart shapes to cut bubble wrap out

Activity 2

Play dough numbers 2 and 3

Duration: 10 – 15 minutes

What do we need?

  • Play dough,
  • An A4 page with number symbols 2 and 3 written on it *(Caregiver to prepare beforehand) This can be placed in a plastic sleeve (if one is available)
  • Rolling pin or paper towel roll inner or a plastic bottle
  • Cookie cutters or bottle tops
  • Plastic knife

What to do:

1. *Caregiver to demonstrate how to roll play dough between the palms of hands to create a ‘sausage like’ shape

2. Then show your little one to take the sausage like shape and build over the drawn number symbols

  1. Once the number shape is made, roll out a flat piece of play dough using the rolling pin and press the cookie cutter or bottle top into it.
  2. Have your child form the corresponding amount of shapes to match the number symbols. Be sure to work on one number at a time. 
  3. Demonstrate to your child to touch count and count out loud each time.
  4. Allow your child to play and explore freely too.

Activity 3

Physical Activity: Balloon Volleyball 

Duration: 10-15 minutes 

What do I need?

  • String
  • Two chairs 
  • Balloon

What to do:

  1. Caregiver is to tie a string onto 2 objects (like 2 chairs) to serve as a volleyball net 
  2. Have your child and one other person (maybe you if possible), stand on either side of the net and hit the balloon back and forth over the string like in volleyball 
  3. Your child can keep score by making stripes on a page, for each point scored and then adding it up afterwards.