Activity 1
Spread germs – wash your hands!
Duration: 10-15 minutes
What do you need?
- glitter
- lotion
- soap and water
- white craft paper
What to do:
- *Get your child’s hands damp by applying some lotion.
- In a shallow tray/container throw out some glitter. Allow your child to cover their hands fully with glitter.
- Explain to your child that the glitter represents “germs” and that their hands are now covered with germs.
- Your child can now press their hands onto a white paper and observe how many “germs” are left behind when they remove their hands.
- Assist your child to wash their hands with water only. (They learn that washing hands with water only doesn’t get it clean)
- Now let your child use soap and water to wash their hands. (Have your child observe how soap and water cleans better by removing all the germs easily)
*Performing simple experiments with young children has the following benefits:
- Encouraging discussion: Talking about what you see, feel, taste, hear, smell and discover.
- Observing changes: Children have the opportunity to develop their observational skills and identify changes and differences
- Using our five senses: For example, smelling or touching and tactile discrimination
Activity 2
Mathematics counting and sorting
Duration: 5-10 minutes
What you need?
- Bottle caps or plastic container lids
- Marker (non-permanent if using plastic lids)
What to do:
- Avail a variety of different colour bottle caps or plastic lids to your child.
- *Caregiver is to write number symbols 1-5 onto the top of the bottle caps (as shown)
- Count out 5 bottle caps/lids (aloud) with your child, ensuring to demonstrate touch counting.
- Now ask your child to sort colours accordingly. (Assist where necessary)
- Have your child count the items on his/her own using touch counting. Now count with him/her again.
- Allow your child to simply manipulate the bottle caps/lids as he/she wishes to in free play.
Activity 3
Duration: 5-10 minutes
What do you need?
- Soda bottles/ plastic cups
- Ball
What to do:
- *Caregiver is to set up bottles/cups like pins in a bowling alley
- Demonstrate to your child the need to roll it over using the ball.
- Now allow them to do it on their own
- Repeat for as long as your child shows an interest
- Bring awareness to counting how many get knocked over each time.
- Simply allow for fun and play!