Course 3

Activity 1

Art activity: Constructing a photo frame 

Duration: 10 -15 minutes

What do you need?

  • 4 or more ice cream sticks
  • Glue
  • Pieces of cardboard to fit behind ice cream sticks
  • A photo
  • Decorations (glitter, buttons, beads)

What to do:

  1. Instruct your child to build a square using the ice cream sticks.
  2. Avail glue to him/her to complete the frame by gluing sticks together as shown. Assist only where necessary Leave for a short while to dry.
  3. Once it has dried, have your child decorate the frame with whatever decorative items are available at home. Allow him/her to be as creative as possible.
  4. Caregiver can then assists the child to place a photo in the frame

Activity 2

Fine motor pattern activity

Duration: 10-15 minutes

What do you need?

  • Pattern (zig-zag) drawn on paper 
  • /board–as shown *Caregiver can draw a dotted pattern for your child to complete as preparation beforehand. 
  • Large Beads or buttons/stones/bottle tops

What to do:

  1. Caregiver should explain to the learner to place buttons/beads on the pattern by working from left to right. 
  2. Make sure to indicate or make physical reference to the starting point of the left side and show your child the direction we will be moving in, i.e. left to right.
  3. Allow your child to do it on their own
  4. This activity can be repeated with various other patterns.

Activity 3

Physical gross motor activity: sac run

Duration of activity: 10-15 minutes

What do I need? 

  • Old pillow case 
  • Chalk 
  • An open outdoor space with a safe, soft, flat surface
Developing movement and coordination. Building strong bodies, muscle, bones and hearts. Encouraging self-esteem and thinking skills

What to do:

  • *Parent/ Caregiver mark a starting point and end point by drawing the lines with chalk or with the use of physical markers 
  • Child then climbs into the pillow case and stands at the starting point 
  • Then instruct your child to jump along the path and back again, trying not to lose balance before getting to the end.
  • Repeat as long as your child enjoys.