Course 3

Activity 1

Sensory paint bag

Duration: 5 – 10 minutes

What you we need?

  • Paint – red and yellow
  • Zip lock bag
  • Strong cello tape

What to do:

  1. *Have your child assist you with preparing the paint if making it yourself.
  2. Seal the bag and to ensure is secured further, carefully seal it with strong cello tape.
  3. Place the bag onto a flat surface
  4. Have your child gently press and push the paints to the center (middle) of the bag to blend the colours. (Using fingers). Remember to reference to the position of middle versus, top/bottom/sides of the bag.
  5. Watch as the colours blend together. Make predictions and talk about what is happening throughout the process. Use descriptive language. (Example: Mixing; blending; combining; see the different shades of colour; you are gently pushing and rubbing the paint together; the colours are forming red)
  6. Have your child draw pictures or shapes in the colours using his/her finger tips and by pressing onto the plastic.) You may avail a cotton bud to draw with too (finger is more natural though)

*Remember: Sensory activities facilitate exploration and naturally encourage children to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate and explore.

Activity 2

Paper plate emotion face

Duration: 10 -15 minutes

What do we need?

  • Ribbons/ cotton wool 
  • Coloured pipe cleaners or wool
  • Buttons
  • Tissue paper
  • White or any colour paper plate
  • glue

What to do:

  1. Allow your child to create his/her own face with an emotional expression on.
  2. Be close by to offer some direction about where to place facial parts, but allow your child to try alone at first and be creative.
  3. Lastly, don’t forget to validate whatever efforts are created on the paper plate and praise your child for the creativity!
  4. Discuss the emotions of the face

Activity 3


Duration: 5 – 10 minutes

What we need?

  • Masking tape, 
  • Table top surface
  • Blocks, small toy cars, blocks, bottle tops.
  • There are so many other objects you can add to this hands-on playing with shapes opportunity such as buttons, sucker sticks and pipe cleaners.

What to do:

  1. *Caregiver forms a square shape on the table surface using the masking tape.
  2. Drive the toy cars around the outside of the square shape. 
  3. Have your child use the objects to build along the outlines of the shape. He/she can also be shown and instructed to place objects in the corner spaces of the square shape.
  4. Talk about the attributes of the square shape. It has 4 sides (lengths) that all the sides are the same size and it has 4 corners.
  5. Avail some masking tape to your child and allow him/her to form their own square on the floor surface.
  6. Go on a treasure hunt around the house searching for real-life objects that are square in shape.