Course 2

Activity 1:

Sponge painting a tree

Duration: 10 – 15 minutes

What do you need?

  • Sponge (small enough to fit comfortably in your child’s hand)
  • Paint (red, green and brown), each in it’s own shallow container
  • White construction paper with a circle and trunk drawn on to it *(Parent to prepare  beforehand) 
  • 1 bottle cap
  • An apron or oversized T shirt to protect your child’s clothing. 
  • Newspaper to protect the work surface and floor

What to do:

  1. Have your child first sponge paint the circle green and then sponge paint the trunk brown
  2. Make sure to place the painted artwork  in a sunny area for it to dry. 
  3. Once dry, have your child dip the bottle cap into red paint and print red circles(apples) onto the green tree. 

Activity 2:

Discovering colour

Duration: 10-15 minutes

What to you need?

  • A box/container
  • Any red household items or toys

 What to do:

  1. Explain to your child that you will be going on a treasure hunt around the house
  2. Assist your child to collect as many red items around the area as they can find.
  3. In your treasure box you can have a scarf, pretend food, block, bath toys, cups, spoons, anything red
  4. Allow them to explore the treasure box, it is so much fun to see what they come up with or what they choose to explore. 
  5. Applaud your child for correctly sourcing the red items. 
  6. Next have them name the ojects found and discuss with your child,  what each item is used for to build onto their vocibulary and language skills

Activity 3:

Physical gross motor: Ball throwing through hula hoop

Duration: 5-10 minutes

What do you need?

  • Hula hoop/pool noodle that has been joined at the ends to form circle shape
  • Big ball

What to do:

  1. Caregiver holds hula hoop up for child (not too high) and demonstrates to throw ball through hula hoop. 
  2. Challenge your child by moving the hula hoop a little higher each time