Course 2

Activity 1

Creative Activity: Constructing a toothbrush 

Duration: 20-30 minutes 

What do I need?

  • Ice-cream stick 
  • White small piece of rectangular shaped paper 
  • Wax crayons
  • Scissors 
  • Glue stick
  • Decorations- stickers 

What must I do?

  1. Explain to your child that he/she will be constructing a toothbrush craft.
  2. Have your child colour the ice-cream stick any color of their choice using the wax crayon
  3. Next your child is to paste the rectangular white paper onto the right side of the ice-cream stick using the glue stick
  4. Child then cuts short little snips along the length of the white paper, taking care not to cut right through the paper with each snip. Explain that these will serve as the bristles of the toothbrush 
  5. Allow your child to decorate the handle (ice-cream stick) of the toothbrush in any way he/she likes.

Activity 2

Mathematics – Patterns 

Duration: 15- 20 minutes 

What do I need?

  • 3 long rectangular pieces of paper (An A4 page cut into strips will do)
  • Crayons 
  • 3 Bottle Tops (optional) 
  • Permanent marker 

What to do: 

  1. Explain to your child that he/she will be drawing caterpillars using colour patterns of his/her choice. *Parent/Caregiver to draw a simple example (by placing bottle top down on page to represent the head (on far left side of page) then proceeding to draw circles following from left to right and finally using the colours to form a colour pattern/sequence example, red, red, blue, red, red, blue etc.
  2. Have your child draw their own colour pattern caterpillars on the rectangular pieces of paper using any colour pattern sequence of their choice.
  3. He/she should also glue the bottle top down securely onto the page and draw a face onto it (the caterpillar head) 
  4. If you do not have bottle tops, you can simply draw a circular head and have your child colour it in too.
  5. If you have enough matching colour bottle tops or buttons, your child can then try to copy the colour pattern/sequence below the drawn caterpillars

*Patterns are at the heart of math. The ability to recognize and create patterns help us make predictions based on our observations; this is an important skill in math. Understanding patterns help prepare children for learning complex number concepts and mathematical operations.

Activity 3

Physical Activity: Blanket ball 

Duration: 10-15 minutes 

What do I need?

  • Balloon/ Ball 
  • Blanket 

What must I do?

  1. Parent and child are to hold the corners of a blanket 
  2. Throw the ball onto the blanket and bounce the ball up and down
  3. Your child can also do the actions and bend their knees by going up and down while bouncing the ball. 
  4. Remember the child’s arms should be stretched out when bouncing the ball up and down with the blanket

*Did you know? Ball skills help to address bilateral skills, hand-eye coordination, timing, sequencing, motor planning, and attention.