Course 2

Activity 1

Creative Art Activity: Handprint with border 

Duration: 20-30 minutes 

What do I need?

  • Colour paper 
  • Glue 
  • Paint (availing more than 1 colour option would be great)
  • Coloured paper 
  • Sponge /Paintbrush 
  • A4 paper 

What must I do?

  • Instruct your child to paint his/her hand any colour of their choice and place it on the A4 paper to form a hand print. Encourage him/her to draw patterns too.
  • Next, allow it to dry in a sunny area. 
  • Explain that a frame or border needs to be formed next by tearing and pasting colour paper around the edges of the A4 paper. 
  • Have your child attempt to write his/her name onto the page too.

*Art and craft activities create a sense of achievement in children and give a boost to their self-esteem. Teaching a kid to create something tells them that they are in control. This will build immense confidence in them.

Activity 2

Mathematics: Writing the number 1-10 on the floor 

Duration: 10 – 15 minutes 

What do we need?

  • Chalk 
  • Any ground/floor surface to write on with chalk and that can be cleaned using water 
  • A spray bottle filled with water

What must I do?

  1. *Caregiver is to provide child with a visual reference of number symbols 1-5 (written a page), if necessary
  2. Next, instruct your child to copy the number symbols by writing them onto the floor surface using the chalk. This could also be done against a walled surface that can easily be washed off.
  3. Your child could also proceed to number 10, if the further challenge is requested and if they are well familiar with and comfortable with writing numbers 1-5 already.
  4. Ask your child to point to specific numbers as they write or afterwards.
  5. He or she could also jump or hop onto the specific numbers upon caregiver’s command. 
  6. Lastly, your child can proceed to spray the floor area or wall off by using the spray bottle filled with water. This allows for lots of fun as well as valuable fine motor finger strengthening exercise.

*The above activities help to strengthen hand and finger muscles. This is important as it is required for many everyday activities such as doing up buttons and zips, climbing monkey bars or cutting up your food in a plate. It also helps to develop the endurance to complete drawing and cutting activities.

Activity 3

Creative Art: Fingerprints 

Duration: 10 -15 Minutes 

What do I need?

  • Paint (ensuring that mixture is not very runny)
  • A4 paper
  • Crayon
  • Marker 

What to do?

  1. *Caregiver is to assist learner with tracing both his/her hands onto the A4 paper using the crayon.
  2. Then have your child trace over the crayon outlines by using the marker
  3. Explain to your child that he/she will be printing their unique fingerprints onto the finger tips.
  4. Instruct him/her to dip their fingers into the paint and then to press onto each finger-tip area starting with the pinky and ending with the thumb prints. 
  5. Your child could also write number symbols 1-10 below each finger-tip indicating how he/she would count using their fingers. (* Caregiver might have to avail symbols for learner to copy from)
  6. Encourage your child to write his/her name above the traced hands at the end.