Course 2

Activity 1

Creative Activity: Sock Puppet 

Duration: 20 -30 minutes 

What do I need? 

  • One big sock 
  • Elastics 
  • Googly eyes 
  • Pipe cleaners 
  • Stuffing- Stuffing from an old pillow/ cotton wool 
  • Glue

What to do?

  1. Show your child to stretch open the end of the sock and work stuffing ball into the sock, all the way to the toe.
  2. Your child must then pinch the sock tightly around the ball of the stuffing and stretch an elastic over top 
  3. Have your child keep adding balls of stuffing into the sock and then stretch elastics over the sock to hold everything in place (*Parents to assist child when putting elastic around)
  4. Your child should measure out enough balls of stuffing so that it can go right to the end of the sock (Parents to assist if necessary)
  5. Next, your child is to place a long pipe cleaner under the head of the worm as shown on the picture. Wrap the pipe cleaner over the elastic then twist it a few times to keep it in place 
  6. Pinch the ends of the pipe cleaner and roll them down to make a spiral shape for antennae.
  7. The child then attaches the googly eyes or circular cut outs (to represent eyes) to the front of the worm using glue 

Activity 2

Sensory Activity: Sprinkling sand over numbers

Duration: 10-15 minutes 

What do I need? 

  • Sand 
  • Glue stick 
  • A4 paper 

What to do:

  1. Your child is to write numbers with the glue stick on the paper
  2. Then have your child then sprinkle sand over the number symbols that were written with the glue 
  3. Allow to dry in a sunny area 
  4. When it has dried, shake off the remainder of the sand 
  5. Proceed to draw any pictures of corresponding quantities next to the sandy numbers.

Activity: 3

Physical/ Gross motor Activity: Frisbee toss 

Duration: 10-15 minutes 

What do I need?

  • Old lids/ plastic plates 

What to do:

  • Parents are to tape a line on a flat surface to use as a target for your child. 
  • Instruct your child to throw the Frisbees and see if they land on the target just right 

**Frisbee throwing has the following benefits for your child’s physical development**

  • spatial awareness
  • body awareness
  • hand-eye coordination
  • multi-sensory processing