Course 2

Activity 1

Fine motor activity: Constructing a Butterfly 

Duration: 20-30 minutes

What do I need?

  • Colour paper (Pre traced butterfly wings)
  • Paint 
  • Toilet Roll
  • Scissors 
  • Markers 
  • Glue 
  • Googly eyes 
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Decorates- stickers 

What to do?

  1. Have your child cut out the pre-traced wings with a scissor 
  2. Then he/she must paint the toilet roll any colour of their choice 
  3. Allow it to dry in a sunny area
  4. When dry, your child then glues the wings to the toilet roll
  5. Then glue the googly eyes to the toilet roll and use the pipe cleaners for antennas or simply draw eyes on using a marker. 
  6. Lastly, have your child add a mouth and decorate it. 

Activity 2

Sensory Activity: Writing name in sand 

Duration: 10-15 minutes

What do I need? 

  • Old Tray 
  • Sand 

What to do?

  1. Parents throw sand on a tray as shown
  2. Encourage your child is encouraged to practice writing his/her name in the sand *(Parents to assist child)
  3. Allow your child to explore the sand and draw anything he or she would like to. 

**Drawing with sand helps to develop fine motor skills, sensory, creative thinking. The sand also eliminates the fear of failure. This is important for children with increased anxiety**

Activity: 3

Physical/ Gross motor Activity: Frisbee toss 

Duration: 10-15 minutes 

What do I need?

  • Old lids/ plastic plates 

What to do:

  • Parents are to tape a line on a flat surface to use as a target for your child. 
  • Instruct your child to throw the Frisbees and see if they land on the target just right 

**Frisbee throwing has the following benefits for your child’s physical development**

  • spatial awareness
  • body awareness
  • hand-eye coordination
  • multi-sensory processing