Dear Parents
Teaching the basics of proper personal hygiene is important for keeping children healthy and clean. It’s especially important for younger children to practice good hygiene — particularly hand washing — because they spend so much of their time in close contact with each other in the classroom, sharing everything from desks and chairs to germs. And when your child reaches adolescence, hormonal changes will lead to increased production of oils in skin and hair and an increase in body odor. That’s when you will be glad you didn’t wait till then to instill good health and hygiene habits.
To expand onto the learning aspect of this theme, make sure to be more intentional about emphasizing the importance of each personal hygiene daily activity you do with your child. Singing along while carrying them out also assists with your child earning more about what they are doing.
Discuss what you’re using, why you’re using it and how often this form of cleaning should happen. You could also discuss the consequences of not carrying out these personal hygiene tasks.
Activity 1
Life skill: blowing your nose
Duration : 5 – 10 minutes
What do you need?
What you need to do:
Activity 2
Sorting pom poms
Duration: 5 – 10 minutes
What do you need?
What to do:
Activity 3
Movement motions
Duration: 5 -10 minutes
What you need?
What to do:
*Through the integration of music and movement, numerous developmental skills are acquired; laterality, midline-crossing, position in space, just to name a few. Music coupled with movement, aids in the development of the physical self. Children improve their co-ordination, which assists in muscular development.